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72 But, you know, one day his mother knew that she had laid an egg. There had to be a child somewhere. So she throwed her big wings into the winds, and she searched and she searched, screaming to the top of her voice. And one day, she passed over the barnyard. And when this little eagle heard this familiar scream, he had never heard it before, but he realized that it fit him like a glove over a hand. And he knew that was his mother. She knew that was her son. She was looking for him. 

73 So has God, in every age, ordained His Church for that age, a Message for that age. And they could have laws and anything that they want to. But when that hour comes, the Holy Spirit of God, which was at the beginning thought out and spoke out for that age, that Spirit hunts that egg. And when he hears that Message, there is no church denomination going to hold it. It’ll rise to the heights. It’s got to. It’s a different bird. It’s a different creature. He’s an eagle, and he’ll hear the scream. “My sheep hear My Voice.” 

As someone said, Brother Williams, “Sheep Food.” 

   65-0410 - The Easter Seal
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

86 As I said, the Book of Ephesians is the Book of Joshua, and Joshua placing the people where they belong. Now, if they wouldn’t stand still, and he put Ephraim here, and over on Manasseh’s land, and this one would come back fussing and stewing, how they ever going to get along? when one saying, “I’m a Baptist, I’m a Methodist, I’m a Pentecostal, I’m Oneness, I’m Twoness, I’m Thus-and-so.” 

87 How you going to do it? Stand still! God is wanting to place His Church, the sons and daughters of God. God, let me live to see it, is my prayer. So close till I can just feel it with my hands almost, look like. It’s right there. That’s what I’ve longed to see, waiting for the time when walk down the street, there lays a cripple laying there, from his mother’s womb, “Silver and gold have I none.” Oh, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, hallelujah, when God will make Hisself known, when they’ll stop sickness, they’ll stop cancer, they’ll stop diseases. 

   60-0522E - Adoption #4
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

62 I believe that the church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that’s going to shake the whole world. That’s the first time it’s been since the days of Jesus of Nazareth to a human being. “Ask anything that you will, and it shall be given unto you, anything you desire.” Don’t you see the words of Jesus Christ being fulfilled? Oh, it’s going to come to pass pretty soon. I’m looking for it to happen in this meeting. I’m wanting it to happen now, that that anointing will strike the whole church of the living God, and she’ll rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word; the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the dead will be raised up; and the power of God will shake the world with the church of the living God. We’re in the process of it now. I believe it’s soon coming to pass. I believe it will be just exactly that way. I believe it’s going to strike the church of God soon, and it’s going to start a revival that’ll shake the world. I believe it. 

63 The Lord God of heaven Who made heavens and earth, whose servant I am, and stand here now before you, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, those words are true. Oh, we’re near something. My heart’s waiting with anticipations. I can’t even rest in my hotel room. Last night I couldn’t sleep at all. It’s never left me; it…I couldn’t sleep on the road out here; I didn’t sleep for about two or three hours a night. I just can’t rest because I know that something’s fixing to happen. Our God’s going to move on the scene just as sure as we’re standing here. 

Just as sure as He said back yonder about the discernment in the hand and the secrets of the heart, 

   59-1123 - Speak To This Mountain
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

they’re just beautiful, and the things of the Scripture. I believe all the Old Testament was a perfect type of the New Testament. It was just the shadow. 

Now, if I got in that sun there, and went walking towards that wall, and I—and looked at my shadow on there, I would have some conception of what I look like: whether I was a four footed beast, or whether I was had wings like a bird, or what I was. 

Now, that’s the shadow. And as the sun’s are setting across the time now, we are living in the shadow of the coming of Jesus, don’t you think so? And these things that we see happening is just a shadow of what’s fixing to take place. 

12 Oh, I guess I’m talking to a full audience of Holy Ghost filled people. And you know what, friends, I believe we’re in the shadow of one of the greatest things the world has ever received or heard of, just…We’re just at the break. 

Now, when the Angel of the Lord met me…The first thing, you remember, many of you old timers here that’s been in the meeting, when He first met me, He told me to take a hold of a person’s hand. Last night, or sometime, or yesterday somewhere, I met a little child. I just took hold of their hand just to see if, yeah, still the same thing. See? And then you can watch it how it’ll move, see it with your own eyes how it’ll work. 

13 And then, He said, “Then if you’ll be real reverent, 

   53-1115A - Speak To The Rock
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

You see? Now, if you’ll watch, history repeats itself in the Bible. See? Now, let’s just give you a Scripture for one now. (I see many of you writing it down.) Now, in the 3rd chapter of Saint Matthew, It said, “And when God called His Son out of Egypt that it might be fulfilled which was spoken, ‘Out of Egypt I call My Son’…” Now, if you’ve got a—a Scofield or any other reference Bible, if you’ll follow that reference there, that margin reading, it’ll bring you back to where He called Jacob, Israel, out of Egypt. See? But Jacob was His son that He called out of Egypt; also Jesus was His Son that He called out of Egypt. So (see?) the Word of God is never ending. See, we are identify ourselves in the Bible with different…How many remembers my message on identifying yourself with Christian characters, Phoenix, Arizona, where I preached it? Yeah, many of you has got it on the tape. See? Identified with Christian Character. See? You can identify yourself anywhere you want to in that Scripture if you are a Christian, and if you’re not a Christian, you can identify yourself in the Bible. See? So I think maybe that would help. I want to get as many of these as I can. 

   64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

276 By the way, while I’m speaking, somebody, in around this country somewhere, is guilty of writing some cards, to move Brother Neville out of this pulpit. You’re going to have to settle that with me. Uh-huh. That’s right. Uh-huh. Yes, indeed. Now, I want you…Said the dea-…something about the deacon board. The deacon board has not one thing to do with that pastor. No, sir. The congregation, in full, has all the authority. It isn’t…A deacon board is just the policemen here in this church, just to keep order and so forth. But when it comes to rules, the whole church has to say so. This church is built upon the sovereignty of the local church. Therefore, I have nothing to say in moving this pastor, or putting one in. I own the property; it’s given to the church. You all are the church. You people are the one who control. You’re the church, yourself. And the Church, the holy Church of God is the sovereignty, of the Holy Spirit in that Church. And the only thing I do is own the property, give it over to this church, as give it over for a church, and it’s tax free. And the church elects their own pastors. I have nothing to do with it. And the only way this pastor could ever leave, would be the pastor decide himself to go, or the majority of the votes of the church would have to say, “Change the pastor.” That’s the only way. No deacon board can do it. The deacon board only keeps order and things in the church.

277 The trustees, they have nothing to do with it, only repair the church. And they can’t do it until there’s a…The whole trustee board meets and says, “We’ll build this, or we’ll do that.” Then they have to ask the treasurer if they got the money to do it. Yes, sir.

278 But if there’s any complaint against any member, if a member has a complaint against one another, or something wrong, you’re supposed to go to that brother, yourself, and talk to him, you and he alone. Then if they won’t receive it, then the next thing takes place, you take one of the deacons or somebody, and go with you to that brother. Then if he won’t receive you, then you come tell it to the church. Then if the church…Then if he won’t receive the church, then the Bible said, “Let them be as a heathen and a publican.” That’s right.

279 And any persons that knows a guilty person, and you don’t go to them and talk, then you’re the part of the church of God is going to answer for that sin. That’s right.

280 And if any persons then has a—a complaint against a deacon, or against the deacon or somebody in the church, it takes three people. Three people would come and say, witness, the mouth of two or three witnesses. Come tell the pastor that there’s a grievance against a deacon. Then if there’s a grievance against a deacon, the deacon isn’t a—a just man, a—a perfect man. He must hold the office of a deacon, blameless, and then found blameless. And if that congregation finds out that that deacon is not holding that office, he gets three with him and takes it to the pastor. That deacon is asked to stay home over the night. And then the pastor from…comes and brings the congregation together, gives the grievance. And if the congregation votes for the deacon to continue on, the deacon continues on. If he con-…votes for the deacon to be dismissed, they elect a new deacon that very night. See?

281 Therefore, no one person has nothing to do in this. It’s the majority of the people. Yes, sir. If twenty votes for him, and twenty-one votes against him, he goes; or, vice versa. See? That is, it’s the sovereignty of the local church and, then, each one of the members has a say-so in the church. Anything goes on, wrong, then they can come right around, and the only thing they have to do is to be before God that they are absolutely see that nothing hinders the moving of the church.

    57-0922E - Hebrews, Chapter Seven #2
   Rev. William Marrion Branham

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